GURUS Resources

Welcome to the Resources page for our book: G-U-R-U-S The Ultimate Goal Getters Guide, available on Kindle & Amazon.

Click here to get your copy today

The below resources can be watched, downloaded and printed out.

If you are creating your own legacy with this book, you can use the resources as accompanying guides for the book and use the templates as workbooks and reminders to keep yourself on track.

If you are using the book to help others achieve their goals, you can use them as one page guides, training, workshops and so on.

Use these to help yourself and others discover purpose, unlock potential and achieve results.

Thank you again for purchasing the book and helping us achieve our mission – to create a world brimming with passion, fulfilment and connection.

We are proud and grateful to be a part of your journey.

GURUS – Workbooks

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The GURUS accompanying Workbook has all of the questions within the book.

This allows you to work through multiple goals with yourself or clients. Remember to move back and forth between the book and workbook, this will help you to understand and explain the purpose of each question.

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The Coaches and Leaders guidebook covers the same questions as the normal workbook but has additional considerations to make as a Coach.


This video explores the benefits of having SPECIFIC goals and explains a few methods you can use to create them.

It’s a good idea to watch this when creating your goal and putting it into the SMART format.

The Reticualr Activating System (RAS) is part of your brain. Part of its job is to filter the information it receives, so that you only get the data that is valuable to you.


This video explains how to use your RAS to become more successful.

The Golden Circle is a model created by Simon Sinek. It was initially used to breakdown sales techniques and explain the power of influence.


We have used Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle and to help you create more compelling goals.

Mission Template

The GURUS Mission Template

Complete your GURUS Mission Template as you work your way through the book. This allows you to print out and keep your purpose and goal visible to you wherever you go.

This is a stripped back version of the GURUS model, focusing purely on keeping your purpose and goal visible, reminding you to work to your strengths and keep your supportive friend up to date with progress. 


The Responsibility and Resilience questions are ideal to keep around in key places. For example: Trying to lose weight? Put this up near your unhealthy snacks to help keep you on track and remind you of your goal.

Want to become more active? Put it in the passenger seat of your car to remind you to go to the gym after work.


Trying to manage stress better? Put it on your desk at work.


The key here is having visibility of your mission.

Develop The Edge – Goal Tracker

The Develop The Edge Goal Tracker allows you to set, measure and track your goals with easy to identify visual cues for when your goal is off-track, on-track or when you are ahead of your goal.


Chapter Summaries

1 Page guide – “What is a goal?” Chapter


1 Page guide – “Get to know yourself” Sub-Chapter


1 Page guide – “Get to know your goal” Sub-Chapter


1 Page guide – “Understand” Chapter


1 Page guide – “Responsibility” Sub-Chapter


1 Page guide – “Resilience” Sub-Chapter


1 Page guide – “Undertake Immediately” Chapter


1 Page guide – “Sense-Check” Chapter


Undertake Immediately Printout

The GURUS Undertake immediately printout is there to remind you to keep going.

Learning, stretching and growing can all be challenging and sometimes painful experiences. It’s important to have a gameplan in place to combat some of these thoughts and feelings.

We wanted to give you something as an additional piece of motivation and encouragement in case you reach that point where you are asking yourself if the effort is worth the results. Growth can be tough, so be kind to yourself and talk to a supportive expert about it. Remember the importance of having someone to give updates to according the Matthew’s study.

If you do struggle at any point, consider using a coach to get you to the next level.

Knowledge is power and when we feel overwhelmed, doubtful and disappointed – remember that it’s just part of the learning journey and if you can push through this stage, you could end up mastering it and teaching others.

If you want to know more about the stages of learning and how to combat Self Doubt when you feel overwhelmed, we have an article and workbook available for free here:


Sense-Check Resources

The GURUS ‘Sense-Check’ 

This printable guide helps you reflect on the action you have taken in pursuit of your goal and includes 12 questions designed to provoke thought, evaluate progress and decide on next steps.

The Sense-Check is an important step in the GURUS method as it helps you understand if the actions you are taking are valuable and progressing you towards your goal.

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Use our Sense-Check report template to present your progress towards your goal to a supportive friend or mentor.

GURUS Summary

The GURUS 1 page guide can be printed out and used as a hand-out in training sessions or left in key places for you as a reminder.

Coaching Questions for each stage

Consider downloading or printing these coaching questions out to help with your coaching structure or to deliver Coaching Workshops.