It started in 2010, I was a fitness instructor and one of my clients felt they were not getting recognition in their sport or from their team. We worked through a program that not only focused on diet and exercise but also on mindset. After completing an intense and difficult session, I told them how proud I was of them and how proud of themselves they should be. With tears in their eyes, they explained how no-one had told them that before. It was in that moment I realised the impact I could have on someone through coaching and supporting them – I’ve been hooked on developing people since this moment.
When I realised the impact I could have, I wanted to help, support, lead and coach more people. I entered numerous offices across multiple Leadership roles and thrived. My teams achieved again and again, we won awards but the only time I felt really fulfilled was when I helped people breakthrough the barriers holding them back and make massive changes in their lives. Those lightbulb moments where people realise what they can achieve, those moments where a person finds their purpose.
It was during this time, I was trained and mentored by a Learning and Development (L&D) professional and had many lightbulb moments of my own. It made me think ‘If I can lead and motivate teams, that’s great but if I work in L&D my reach grows past one team to an entire operation.’ I moved from Leading teams into Learning and Development, where I saw lightbulb moments happen daily – I was in my element. I worked with Stakeholders, external Clients, Leadership teams and the amazing people in customer facing roles. My passion for coaching, L&D and leadership was still high but I missed reaching people on a personal level and helping them take control of their lives. In April 2019 I decided two things:
1) I would become a mentor at a local charity, that helps people with lived experiences of mental health to set and achieve their goals.
2) I would create Develop The Edge, a service created to help you find your purpose, discover your potential and take control of your future.
I had found my purpose – to serve and develop people into Leaders. People who want to find their edge, engage with their purpose and maximise their potential. Whether you are a leader looking to fine tune or you feel lost and in autopilot, I am here to tell you that you are not alone, it isn’t a quick fix but it is possible, it is worth it and you are too. It’s time to realise your potential, challenge the barriers facing you and create the energy, passion and drive that both you and the people you love deserve.
We love hearing from people and developing ourselves too, so if you have any feedback or you’re looking for any articles or development content in particular, please email:
We are proud and excited to be a part of your journey. It’s time to Develop your Edge.